The first thing you will notice when you watch this film is the sound track, its a mixture of up beat rock, which then changes to a very space orientated sound track to match the change in scenery. An adaption of the song 'Star Spangled Banner' which is performed by Jimmi Hendrix is also used in the film. This song could have been used to link back to what would be the passed in the film to show the viewer that this is what could happen to the earth if we do not start taking better care of it.
In one scene when 'Cooper' and the other pilots are on the spaceship a strange mirage like figure appears by the side of Anne Hathaways character. They believe that this is the brig that will lead them to the new planet, Hathaways character slowly reaches out her hand to touch the being, she make constant eye contact with it and has an amazed yet also scared look in her eyes. This is a very effective scene as it adds a mystical and futuristic element to this movie, helped greatly by the very good acting on Hathaways part.